This could be one of my favorite trips of all time. We hiked around the entire Wind Cave National Park in South Dakota and saw an amazing amount of wild life and the hike was over rolling hills without another person in site.

Antelope and Bison right off the bat



The Trail was just waiting. We did 20-22 miles

Beautiful spot to rest

I was glad the trail fashion police weren't out this weekend. Man I look like I am in line for a disco. I am sure Christine was laughing her ass off behind me!

Beautiful blue sky day


Prairie Dogs
More Bison

And Lots of Elk
The trail was just spectacular

After this hike we headed up to Mt Harney, the highest point east of the Rockies. On the way you have to pass Mt.Rushmore

Still quite a bit of snow in the backcountry. Another great fashion day for me!