Memorial Day Walk- Cuivre River State Park May 29, 2023

I felt like I should get out and actually exercise after being in the RV for 19+ days. Besides going up Bear Butte the only exercise I got was walking to my next meal. I have the Beginner's Backpacking trip this coming weekend, so best to get back in the swing of walking and not embarrass myself! 

Cuivre is close to my house and while it is not the nicest trail walking park, especially in the summer. I know how to create some more lonesome loops. 

I pieced together the lesser used connector trails and some forgotten maintenance roads to get almost 8 miles out of a loop and visit some points of interest that I find worthwhile.

Getting out of the truck at the trailhead and looking down the Blue trail, I could already tell this might not be a good idea! 

I was immediately swarmed with hundreds of gnats. I had prepared by bring my bug net. Without it I would have just left. I was almost driven insane just grabbing my gear from the truck.

What is left of some cone flowers I think 

The horses don't do this Park any favors. It is a huge resource and destination for equestrian's but they ride when the trail is wet and most of this trail is in creek or river bottom land. It only takes a few horses and the trail has a difficult time recovering even for the horses.

The #5 connector route I chose crosses Big Sugar Creek many times, already at the end of May, not much water here. These crossings would not be advisable in high water conditions. 

At the top of the hill, wild honeysuckle made the whole area smell great. 

When you reach the end of Connector #5 you come across, in my opinion, the most beautiful land bordering the Park. If only I could get the owner to sell me just a bit here at the back of the field. 

Lesser used park road to join the Red Loop

These were attracting lots of bees.

Berry's of Wild Honeysuckle, poisonous but pretty

I like this route as it always takes me out to the overlook of the fields below and the view West.

Turkey vultures just above me. 

Walk along the bluff tops 

Taking the #3 connector you encounter a secret animal pond. The frog were very vocal today


Talking a forgotten access road that leads to an old set of settlement buildings 

Old telephone pole 

Building foundations on the Red Loop 

If I was a tick, where would I be? 😮 Taking connector #4

Why someone would take the time to paint a wild pig on a rock and then place it just off the trail, I do not know, but I left it where it was placed. 

Crossing the creek again 

I saw one hiker, a women finishing just as I started. She did not have a bug nut and looked somewhat crazed! but I said good morning as she was mumbling all the things she needed to remember to bring next time. My advice, do not walk Missouri trails in summer, however, I did see 6 equestrians today. 


Afterward, what is a fella to do, but have a big breakfast (brunch now) at Waffle House. 
There was nothing left in short order. you will see below I burned 915 calories. According to Waffle House and Google the Allstar breakfast is 570 calories. Go me, I have an additional 345 calories to use on ice cream later 😁😉

The pieced together loop 

Not much elevation here. 

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