The temperature soared to 50 degrees and finally both Vicky and I were over our flu season and could go for a walk. We went over to Broemmelsiek Park, which we know well, but decided to walk it in opposite direction.
We saw a lot of animal tracks in the snow. some small and then some large! the one on top looks like the delicate track of a racoon or opposum but the one on the bottom was large and looks like a Bear print! Not sure what animal would have made this track with 4 long sharp toes and a pad print in back.
It was a nice day to be out
The snow was still deep in some spots all through the woods
The creek water was running well under the ice
Deer, Racoon, Opposum, Coyote, ( Bear or Bobcat?)
4 miles in 1 hr 45 minutes
Vicky braking trail and crossing a creek at Broemmelsiek Park