Night Out, At Wicked- April 22, 2023

Vicky and I don't get out together much but tonight she had an extra ticket to Wicked, so I got to join her, my mom and Vicky's colleagues from work for an evening out. 

internet photo

First we all met to eat at the Curtain Call. A restaurant/champaign bar inside the Fabulous Fox Theater, and if you have never been to the Fox, you owe it yourself to go see something here. It is fabulous.
looking up from the stage, internet photo 

We went on a Saturday, so there was a matinee and then an evening show. We attended the evening show so we had to get to the restaurant a bit early to avoid all the crowds both leaving the afternoon show and arriving for the evening show. 

Inside the Curtain Call restaurant. 

A certain amount of liberties were taken with the drink selection. It is a champaign bar after all. 

Vicky's nurse friend Amy

Mom roaming around the table making friends. 

After dinner and quite a few drinks we headed into the show. 

The set design and lighting were spectacular

No pictures we allowed inside during the show, but I can say it was a fantastic performance. Live music and theater is such a treat. Everyone was spot on and really seemed to enjoy what they were doing. 

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