25 Years And Still Going- Day 1 & 2 Southwest February 2012

February 14th marks our 25th wedding anniversary, so to commemorate we decided to head back to some of our favorite places. We started out with something that really showed our age. Jon Anderson, lead singer of Yes, which we have seen in our youth, was performing live acoustically and solo in Phoenix. We planned the first night to see him to kick off our adventure. Jon at 68 still put on a fabulous show and we were in the 6th row!

After the show we spent the night in Phoenix and then headed for Sedona. The power and beauty of this place has always drawn me here, even though today it is so grown up and populated with huge homes and shops, you can still escape into the back country around the town.

Too many great places to eat in town, but we always seem to go back to Dahl and DiLuca and I always have the same thing....

Highly Recommended:
Mesa Arts Center- Mesa Arizona
Inn of Sedona- Best Western Sedona Arizona
Dahl and DiLuca- Sedona Arizona
Judy's Restaurant
Cowboy Cafe

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