Ozark Thru Hike "Weekend" Sept/Oct 2012

Well things didn't go exactly to plan: I had planned to hike almost 200 miles of the Ozark Trail from Onondago Cave to Van Buren Mo. However my feet starting hurting again after the second day. What did happen was a nice weekend in the woods despite some foot pain and higher milege that I anticipated for the two days.

 Off and ready to go at the trail head. It was foggy and chilly 45 degrees. The trail is marked all the way with the OT blaze on trees and sign posts

 Missouri has our equivalent of the Smokies "Balds" areas that have been cleard for new growth and forest restoration

( above) The Trail is marked at turns with two trail markers in the direction the trail bends
It was a beautiful first day. the Sun burned off the fog and the walk along the Courtouis Creek with its tall cliffs and rock formations, and caves was nice. Mile 5

 Scenic overlook along the section called "the Narrows" between the Huzzah and Courtouis Creeks. About mile 9.

At mile 11 you come to Bass Resort and have about a mile road walk
 First nights camp just off the trail after 18 miles. The coyote howls all night long were amazing.
alot of gunfire as well. It turned out to be youth rifle and deer bowhunting season this week.

 The Ozark Trail is all maintained by the Ozark Trail volunteers and they were out in force this week over this section of trail.

one of the many wildlife ponds along the trail
Most of the hard part was over, but after 2 days of pushing myself to almost 20 miles per day. I was done in, but it would have been a couple of relatively easy days after this. 12.5 miles each the next 2 days

The colors had begun to turn nicely along the trail this week

Hike Stats:
Day 1- 18 miles 8 hours
Day 2- 17 miles 8.5 hours

Animals: seen or heard
Latest Video is posted to the left in the video section

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